Ant-Man and the Wasp, sequel to Ant-Man, begins with a flashback of Hank Pym and his wife, Janet Van Dyne, leaving the young Hope Van Dyne for an emergency mission. Janet, the original Wasp, shrinks to the Quantum Realm in order to disable a Russian missile. Hank raises Hope alone, believing that her mother is dead.

After his participation in the battle at the airport in Captain America: Civil War, Scott Lang is on house arrest. Pym and Hope went into hiding because of a warrant for their arrest for providing Lang the Ant-Man suit. They have not had communication with Lang for many years. When Lang’s house arrest is almost over, he has a dream of Janet playing hide and seek with a young Hope. Unsure of what it means, Lang calls Pym on a hidden cell phone and leaves a voicemail about his dream. Hope comes, picks him up, and takes him back to their hideout.

Lang’s previous actions as Ant-Man had consequences and have limited what he can do or who he can talk to.

Lang finds out that Pym and Hope’s hideout is a lab with a Quantum Realm Tunnel; the lab is also able to shrink down. The dream Lang had about Janet coincided with when they turned the tunnel on for the first time. Pym tells Lang that he needs one more piece to complete the tunnel and with Lang’s help they will be able to obtain the coordinates for Janet in the Quantum Realm. Hope, under the alias of Susan, goes to a technology black market dealer, Sonny Burch, to obtain the last piece they need for the tunnel. However, Burch finds out that Susan is really Hope and that she is building Quantum Realm technology. He proceeds to go after Hope and the lab so he can steal the technology for himself and make money from it.

Photo Credit: Marvel Studios

As Burch goes after Hope, a quantumly unstable masked woman, Ghost, obtains the last piece of technology needed for the tunnel and steals the mobile lab from Pym. The lab is not able to be located, so Pym reaches out to an old colleague, Dr. Bill Foster, who provides an idea to find the lab. Lang, Hope, and Pym locate the lab and go to reclaim it. When they arrive at the location, Ghost is waiting for them and restrains them. Ghost reveals her name is Ava Starr, the daughter of Elihas Starr. Elihas worked with Pym on quantum technology, but a quantum experiment killed him and his wife. During that quantum experiment, Ava’s molecules were changed and became unstable, leaving her in constant pain. If her current condition is not cured, she will die.

Family is the most important social unit that we have, and we should communicate and be present with them as much as possible. 

Families strengthen and support us during both the good and the hard times. Family members are not always biological. They can be people that we meet and choose to turn into our family. The more time we spend doing various activities with people, the more they feel like family. Some activities are going to the beach, eating a meal, or going camping together ‒ these shared moments will create an unbreakable bond over time.

Hope, Pym, and Lang are able to escape with the mobile lab and open the quantum tunnel. Janet appears and communicates with them through Lang to help Pym and Hope find her coordinates in the quantum realm. She states she has only two hours before the chances of her coming back are gone. Burch finds the location of the lab from Lang’s friends Luis, Dave, and Kurt and informs the FBI. Agent Woo, Lang’s pronation officer, goes to Lang’s home to see if he is there. Lang makes it back home before Woo gets there and manages to convince him that he has been home the entire time.The FBI takes Hope and Pym into custody, and Ava takes the lab.

Photo Credit: Marvel Studios

Lang is convinced by his daughter Cassie to free Hope and Pym from custody. They all go to where Ava took the Lab. While Lang, Luis, and Hope distract Ava, Pym sneaks into the lab and enters the quantum realm to find Janet. Pym finds Janet and they come back to the physical realm. The authorities apprehend Burch and his goonies, and Janet temporarily cures Ava. She promises to work with Ava on a permanent cure. Agent Woo releases Lang from house arrest, as he has “officially” completed his sentence. Pym and Janet go live at their house on a secluded beach, and Lang and Hope start dating.

Ant-Man gets his happy ending, but the audience knows “the snap” is looming.

During the end credits, the audience sees Lang venturing into the Quantum Realm once more. He becomes trapped when Hank, Janet, and Hope, who are monitoring Lang, turn to ash as a result of Thanos’ snap in Avengers: Infinity War. Then an ant is shown playing the drums in Lang’s house while a state of emergency is broadcast on the television in the background.

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At Calming Transformations Counseling, our therapists understand how life’s challenges can affect your emotional and mental well-being. We offer support for those experiencing anxiety, stress, depression, or relationship issues, including individuals seeking a religious or faith-based perspective. In addition to our standard therapeutic approaches, we also provide movie therapy—an engaging method that uses the power of film to explore emotions, promote self-reflection, and spark meaningful discussions about personal growth.

Photo Credit: Marvel Studios