Captain Marvel takes half a century after the original events of Captain America and a decade before the events of Iron Man. It begins with an airplane crash scene, during which Captain Carol Danvers sees blood on her hands, her co-pilot Mar Vell, and a man with a gun. She then wakes with a glowing hand . The window in her room opens, and she is on Hala, the Kree homeworld, where she is called Vers. She interrupts Yon-Rogg, her commanding officer from sleeping and asks him to fight — he knowingly says, “Dreams again.”
As they start sparring together and Vers is thrown around, Yon-Rogg tells her to start fighting with her brain rather than her heart because it is preventing her from succeeding. It is this that has prevented the Supreme Intelligence, ruler of the Kree, from approving her to start going on missions with her unit. Vers meets with the Supreme Intelligence, who states, “You struggle with your emotions, with your past that fuels them”, and to explain Vers’ past says, “You are the victim of the Skrull expansion that has plagued us for centuries.”
Photo Credit: Marvel Studios
Vers wants to know about her mysterious past but she wants to serve the Kree and go on missions, doing what she believes is the truthful and right thing to do.
The Supreme Intelligence sends Yon-Rogg, Vers, and the rest of their unit to a border planet of the Kree empire in order to rescue an informant undercover with the Skrulls. The Skrulls, led by Talos, ambush the small unit and capture Vers. She wakes up on the Skrulls spaceship near C-53, otherwise known as Earth, hanging upside down while the Skrulls use a machine to see her memories. She gets loose, fights many Skrulls, destroys the machine along with most of the ship, and lands on C-53 in a Blockbuster video rental store. Talos and other Skrulls follow her to Earth and shapeshift into humans that they see.
As a result of the Skrulls scrolling through her memories and landing on Earth (C-53), she starts to remember pieces of her past.
After landing on Earth, she calls Yon-Rogg to inform him she was taken to C-53, and Yon-Rogg wants her to stay put because Vers does not remember that is where she is originally from. Agents Nick Fury and Phil Coulson of S.H.I.E.L.D (Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement, and Logistics Division) show up to investigate the crash landing. Fury sees Vers and questions her about the landing; he does not receive much information and is attacked by a Skrull. Vers saves Fury and runs after the Skrull informant. Afterwards, she steals a motorcycle and drives to a bar where some of her memories happened, and Fury soon shows up at the bar. At the bar, Vers and Fury get to know each other and discuss her memories and past.
Sometimes we don’t remember or try to forget our past because it is not a good memory or it is not important to us. We can move on from our past by confronting it instead of hiding from it. The road may be difficult, especially at first, but will be better for us in the long run.
Vers confronted her past head on, to find out the truth.
Fury and Vers went to a NASA/USAF Facility to find out about project Pegasus. Project Pegasus involved a light speed engine that Mar Vell was developing to help the Skrulls find a new home world far away from the Kree empire. Vers find a picture of Mar Vel, her friend Maria Rombeau, and herself by a fighter aircraft. On the plane she is standing next to it reads “Captain Carol “Avenger” Danvers,” and she discovers her real name.
Like Vers, we can find out who we really are by searching within ourselves.
Fury calls agents from S.H.I.E.L.D to the military installation; however, these agents of S.H.I.E.L.D have been infiltrated by the Skrulls, who try to capture Danvers again. Danvers and Fury get away in a plane they steal and fly it to Maria’s house in the country. Maria’s daughter, Monica Rambeau sees Carol and hugs her. Monica shares photo’s and a jacket from Carol’s past. The Skrulls found where Fury and Danvers went and wanted to talk with her. Talos then told them that Skrulls found the black box from the aircraft she crashed in, and everyone listened to it and found out who Carol truly was. After listening to the recording, Carol had flashbacks of the crash and recognized the man with the gun was Yon-Rogg and that he shot and killed Mar Vell.
Carol had a breakdown, but received support from her friends.
After hearing the blackbox recording and having flashbacks, Danvers was confused and had an identity crisis. She ran outside and claimed that she “doesn’t know who she is”. Maria follows her and states, “You are not one of them (Kree)… I know who you are. You are Carol Danvers.” Carol decided to finish what Mar Vell started and help the Skrulls against the Kree.
Carol found out the truth and did what was right by abandoning the direction she was going.
Talos mentioned a lab where Mar Vell kept the power source to the light speed engine, and Maria and Carol found it orbiting the planet. They flew up to the Kree lab spaceship and found more Skrulls hiding in the spaceship, where Talos is reunited with his wife and son. However, the Kree soon find the ship and board it. Carol fights the Kree soldiers and destroys portions of the ship to help the Skrulls escape. The ship is eventually destroyed with Yon-Rogg, Carol, Maria, Fury, and the rest of the Skrulls landing back on Earth.
Carol faces the person who lied to her the most and showing him that she has nothing to prove to him.
Danvers and Yon-Rogg fight on Earth in the desert, where Yon-Rogg explains that Carol is finally ready to prove to him that he made her the best version of herself. However, Carol replies that she has nothing to prove to him because she knows who she is and knocks him out. Carol drags him to his spaceship and sends him back to Hala with a message that she is going to fight the Kree’s injustices.
Carol showed a great example of empowerment and self-worth.
Captain Marvel shows Carol’s journey of finding out who she is and what she stands for. It shows a journey of self-worth and empowerment. As a result, Captain Marvel can be a guide to show us how to find support, strengthen others, and tell the truth — Carol is an example of what it means to be a hero.
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