The Marvel Cinematic Universe started in 2008 with Robert Downey Jr. starring as Tony Stark in Iron Man the movie. Iron Man takes place six decades after Captain America saves the world from the Red Skull and two decades after Captain Marvel stops the Kree from destroying the Skrulls. Tony Stark is an eccentric billionaire, playboy, and weapons manufacturer, just like his father. The movie briefly mentions that Stark’s parents were killed in a car accident long before he made his first Iron Man suit. At the beginning of the movie, Stark is portrayed as arrogant, selfish, and not having respect for others, especially the women he slept with; he often had one night stands with different women and did not remember their names.
Stark’s life changed in an instant, without any notice.
Stark’s life changed when he was captured by the Ten Rings in Afghanistan, which we later learn was ordered by his business mentor and father-figure, Obadiah Stane, after Stark’s demonstration to the U.S military of the Jericho rocket system. While being abducted, he suffers being knocked unconscious and impaled by shrapnel near his heart. Stark is taken to a cave where he meets and is operated on by Dr. Ho Yinsen, who inserts an electromagnet into his chest. After Stark recovered, the Ten Rings leader ordered Stark and Yinsen to create the Jericho rocket for the terrorist group. Stark and Yinsen used this as a cover to build a mini arc reactor and the first bulky iron man suit. Yinsen sacrifices his life so that Stark can escape – before passing, he reminds Stark “Don’t waste it. Don’t waste your life.”. Stark is subsequently rescued by the U.S. military, led by Colonel James Rupert “Rhodey” Rhodes.
Like Tony, individuals can change for the better or worse without notice.
There are many changes that can happen during our lives, such as moving, starting or changing schools, and gaining or losing a job. With the diverse changes that can happen in our lifetime, we can and should expect the unexpected. We do not know everything that can or will happen in the future, but it is good to keep an open mind to the possibilities that can occur. These changes may not be as extreme as what happens during the plot of Iron Man, but they do occur in our lives and in the world around us. Sometimes we can help influence this change through the choices we decide to make.
He no longer wanted to create weapons for destruction; he wanted to invent things to help others.
Stark fought his way out of the cave he was being held hostage in, destroying the stock pile of Stark Industry weapons the terrorists have. After seeing firsthand what his weapons could do to innocent people, he decided to change the direction of his company from making weapons to working on other endeavors.
As a mental health professional, I view helping people overcome negative obstacles as one of the most important aspects of what we do. We try to help individuals, couples, and families stop their destructive behaviors and live better lives. Stark had an experience that made him want to change in an extreme manner.
Stark became obsessed with one purpose, which made him lose things around him, including his business, close relationships, and almost his life.
Stark became obsessed with destroying his weapons. In an argument Stark had with his personal assistant, Pepper Potts, about his hyper focus on destroying his weapons and neglecting his company and relationships, Stark told her, “I’m going to find my weapons and destroy them. There is nothing except this. You stood by my side all these years while I reaped the benefits of destruction. And now that I’m trying to protect the people that I put in harm’s way, you’re going to quit.” People close to Tony tried to help him live a healthy life, but he pushed them away.
When an individual becomes obsessed with one thing, subject, or purpose, they forget who they truly are and how to maintain relationships with the people around them. This singular focus prevents them from moving forward with a healthy balance in life. This can also include forgetting to take care of themself and not eating food or drink water, not getting enough sleep, or not keeping up with other hygiene activities. When things like this happen, it is hard for a person to change to a healthier direction and they will often reject help from others. The best way to change in a healthier direction is with the support of family and a mental health professional, one who knows how to work with obsessions and compulsions.
Stark changed when he saw a greater need than himself with a person he finally realized was very important to him.
Stark was so hyper-focused on destroying his weapons that he did not notice when Obadiah Stane went around his back and gave weapons to terrorists, made black market deals, got Stark Industries board to vote him out, or that he was making his own enormous Iron Man suit.
Stark hit rock bottom after losing his business and ruining his close relationships as a result of pushing everyone away. However, still driven to destroy his weapons and upon hearing that Stane made an Iron Man suit; he decided to go after Stane to try and stop him from using the Iron Man suit built for him. Stane was able to start up his Iron Man suit and attack Pepper Potts. As Iron Man, Stark worked with Potts to destroy the original arc reactor.
Near the end of the movie, he redeemed himself by stopping Stane from taking charge of Stark Industries and defeating Stane’s iron man suit. He also repairs his relationships with Rhodey and Pepper, accepting that he can’t do it all alone. . He officially launches his heroic journey at the end of the film with his public announcement of, “I am Iron Man.”
Stark experienced a traumatic event by being kidnapped by the Ten Rings terrorist organization and escaping with the help of Dr. Ho Yinsen. This event started his path toward an unhealthy obsession with destroying his weapons and a fear of losing people around him. He was able to change when he recognized the need to accept the help of others and his own need to change. Stark became a hero and able to help others when he worked on a more balanced lifestyle.
The Marvel Cinematic Universe started in 2008 with Robert Downey Jr. starring as Tony Stark in Iron Man the movie. Iron Man takes place six decades after Captain America saves the world from the Red Skull and two decades after Captain Marvel stops the Kree from destroying the Skrulls. Tony Stark is an eccentric billionaire, playboy, and weapons manufacturer, just like his father. The movie briefly mentions that Stark’s parents were killed in a car accident long before he made his first Iron Man suit. At the beginning of the movie, Stark is portrayed as arrogant, selfish, and not having respect for others, especially the women he slept with; he often had one night stands with different women and did not remember their names.
Individual Online Therapy in Florida, Idaho, South Carolina, and Utah
At Calming Transformations Counseling, our therapists understand how life’s challenges can affect your emotional and mental well-being. We offer support for those experiencing anxiety, stress, depression, or relationship issues, including individuals seeking a religious or faith-based perspective. In addition to our standard therapeutic approaches, we also provide movie therapy—an engaging method that uses the power of film to explore emotions, promote self-reflection, and spark meaningful discussions about personal growth.
Whether you prefer the convenience of online therapy (available if you reside in Florida, Idaho, South Carolina, or Utah) or enjoy a more active setting with our walk-and-talk sessions in Hillsborough County, Florida, we are here to help. Book an appointment or contact us today to schedule a session and take the first step toward a more peaceful life.