Iron Man 2 begins a few months after the end of the first Iron Man film, with Tony Stark launching the Stark Expo. Meanwhile, a Russian named Ivan Vanko, has created his own arc power reactor in response to Stark’s Iron Man announcement in order to seek revenge for his father. Stark’s father, Howard Stark, and Vanko’s father, Anton Vanko, worked together to build the first and original arc reactor. Anton Vanko sold the plans to the arc reactor on the black market, and in response Howard Stark had Anton deported to Russia. The Russians exiled him and his family to Siberia where he lived on a diet of vodka while raising his son. Vanko was beaten by his father and grew up in deplorable conditions, which helped fuel his desire for revenge, just like Stark was a result of his own upbringing.
Stark is a prideful person.
Stark is prideful about his accomplishments; when summoned to a Senate hearing to explain why he has not shared the technology with the government, he provided facetious responses. Soon after, his friend Colonel Rhodes (Rhodey) reads one paragraph of his report on Tony Stark that states Stark is unfit and should hand over the technology. Justin Hammer, who obtained the new government weapons contract, also testifies that the government should have the technology, but with hidden motives. Hammer is Stark’s rival and competition, just one step behind in technology compared to Stark Industries, and he wants the Iron Man technology. Stark’s arrogance is displayed again when he takes over the televisions in the room during the Senate hearing and shows that others are trying to make the technology, but have failed. As a result, he estimates that it would take 20 years for others to make the Iron Man technology. After that, he stands up and leaves while the audience applauds him.
Pride can be good when used in a healthy manner.
As individuals, we can be proud of our accomplishments and celebrate them, but we should not do so in a way that puts others down like Stark did in the movie. We should be proud of the things we accomplish no matter how small or large the accomplishment is, and we can celebrate these accomplishments in many ways. Examples of this include: going out and having a meal with loved ones, taking a vacation, having a party with friends, or taking a day off work to do something we enjoy.
When Potts and Stark go to Europe to watch a Formula One race to see the team he owns, Stark decides to drive in the race himself. They are accompanied by Potts’ new assistant Natalie Rushman, who is later revealed as Natasha Romanoff, AKA Black Widow. During the race, Vanko shows up and nearly kills Stark in his Iron Man suit using two ion-based whips. Vanko slashes the suit apart, but is stopped when he is electrocuted during the attack. Vanko survives and is sent to prison.
He was depressed because he was dying and kept it to himself.
As the movie progresses and Stark’s health declines as a result of the arc reactor in his body, Stark has a conversation with Natasha where he asks, “what would you do if you knew you were about to die?” Natasha responds that she would live life to the fullest. Stark then decided to have a party at his house where he got drunk while in his Iron Man suit and began shooting his lasers at random. Despite Rhodey and Potts’ attempts to make him stop, Stark ignores them. In response, Rhodey takes an Iron Man suit and the two fight until Stark’s house is nearly destroyed.
When we are depressed, we need to reach out to others for help, including family, friends, coworkers, or a mental health professional. We should also stick to a routine and do things that we enjoy. That routine could include getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet, exercising, or doing an activity that we enjoy for at least 30 minutes a day. There are a range of activities to explore, like rock climbing, taking walks in the wilderness, cooking different foods, photography, or game nights. Stark enjoyed creating new things, especially technological advancements. He created new Iron Man suits, an arc reactor, and J.A.R.V.I.S. (Just A Rather Very Intelligent System).
Stark did what he could to save people’s lives.
Hammer frees Vanko from prison in order to have Vanko make Iron Man suits for the U.S. Army, Air Force, Marines, and Navy. However, Vanko manipulates this to his advantage and makes the suits remote-controlled. Colonel Rhodes is introduced as War Machine at the Stark Industries annual convention on behalf of Hammer, when the War Machine suit and remote-controlled military suits are taken over by Vanko. The war machine and military suits start destroying the venue and hurt people as a result. With the assistance of War Machine and Potts, Stark (as Iron Man) destroys the remote-controlled suits and the improved iron man suit Vanko makes for himself. The remote-controlled suits are destroyed by hitting cement bridges, crashing into a metal glob, and with a laser cannon on Stark’s Iron Man suit. Stark and Rhodey defeat Vanko by shooting at each other to knock out Vanko with an explosion.
Stark is turned into an advisor for the Avenger Initiative.
At the end of the movie, when Stark reads Natasha’s report on him, he is amused by her assessment that he has textbook narcissism and compulsive behavior. While Stark is developing and changing in a positive manner, he still has some faults to work on. Afterwards, Nick Fury asks Stark to join the Avenger Initiative. In the post credits, Agent Coulson is driving to the desert, where Mjolnir has landed.
Stark is prideful about his accomplishments and dealt with in a negative manner. He was depressed and alone because he was too ashamed to tell anyone that he was dying of metal poison. By celebrating our accomplishments in a healthy manner, we can feel better in the long run. Stark was able to turn his life around and become happier by discovering a new purpose in helping others live and taking down those trying to seek harm. Stark is progressing as a person and hero, and this is a journey that will require effort throughout his entire life.
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At Calming Transformations Counseling, our therapists understand how life’s challenges can affect your emotional and mental well-being. We offer support for those experiencing anxiety, stress, depression, or relationship issues, including individuals seeking a religious or faith-based perspective. In addition to our standard therapeutic approaches, we also provide movie therapy—an engaging method that uses the power of film to explore emotions, promote self-reflection, and spark meaningful discussions about personal growth.
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