The film begins with a look at Diana’s childhood; as the daughter of Queen Hippolyta, Diana lives on the hidden island of Themyscira, home to the Amazons, women warriors created by the Olympian gods to protect mankind. During this time, she learns about the “god-killer”, a weapon destined to destroy against Ares, the god of war, should he ever return to Earth.
In 1918, US pilot and spy Captain Steve Trevor crashes in the waters near Themyscira. Diana sees his plane crash and rescues him from drowning. Steve tells the Amazons about World War I, which he describes as the “”war to end all wars.” Soon after his arrival, Germans follow him and engage in a violent battle with the Amazons. Diana becomes convinced that WWI signifies Ares’ return and decides to leave the island and join Steve on the frontlines. She takes the “god-killer” sword, golden lasso, and armor before leaving Themyscira with Steve to find Ares.
Joining the Fight
Diana joins Steve when he returns to London and appears before the Supreme War Council, led by Sir Patrick Morgan. Steve reveals the Germans’ plans to release a deadly gas, but he fails to convince the council to act on this information. Undeterred, Steve and Diana form a small team and make their way toward the frontlines. They plan to confront General Erich Ludendorff, the German leader who is responsible for the creation of the poisonous gas. Diana also believes that Ludendorff is Ares in disguise. She plans to kill him with the sword from Themyscira.
During their travels, Diana heroically crosses “No Man’s Land” and frees a nearby town from German occupation. The town throws a celebration for Diana’s team in thanks, and Steve and Diana fall in love. However, Diana’s joy and hope in humanity doesn’t last long. Lundendorff successfully launches the poison gas the next day and kills everyone in the town.
Learning the Truth
Diana believes that killing Ludendorff will end the war, so she pursues him to a nearby base where his troops are loading planes with the deadly gas. She kills him and realizes she was wrong. Ares then reveals himself as Steve’s boss, Sir Patrick, who has been subtly planting ideas of war in the mind of humanity for centuries. Steve manages to hijack and pilot the bomber carrying the poison to a safe height and sets off an explosion, thereby blowing up the plane and himself. Ares attempts to use Diana’s grief to convince her that humanity does not deserve to be saved, and then he reveals that Diana herself is the “god-killer” weapon, as she is the last child of Zeus. Inspired by Steve, she refutes him and says “It’s not about “deserve”. It’s about what you believe. And I believe in love” ‒ Diana kills Ares, and soon after the team celebrates the end of the war.
In the present day (2017), the film ends as Diana reflects on these memories, “And now I know… that only Love can truly save the world. So now I stay, I fight, and I give – for the world I know can be. This is my mission now. Forever.”
Upon leaving Themyscira, Diana is forced to face the good and bad realities of mankind. While she has been raised with the purpose of protecting humanity, her faith in her cause is shaken when mankind does not seem to deserve saving. War, grief, and loss may cause us to lose hope, but without these feelings, we would not be able to fully appreciate our times of joy and happiness. Diana learns and exemplifies that life is about balance and acting with love and compassion, even in difficult times.
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Photos by Clay Enos – © 2017 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. and Ratpac-Dune Entertainment LLC