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Walk and Talk therapy merges talk therapy with movement. It allows clients to experiment with different settings for their therapy sessions. Unlike traditional therapy, walk and talk therapy combines an outdoor setting with movement, which can create a more relaxed environment. 

What Is Walk and Talk Therapy?

Walk and talk therapy is a helpful alternative to traditional therapy that uses movement to enhance the therapeutic process. When partaking in this therapy, a client and therapist will work through issues while walking outside. This type of therapy can benefit people who enjoy being outdoors instead of in an office. In some cases, being outside can help people who struggle with feeling anxious about therapy in an office or via Telehealth.

What Are the Benefits of Walk and Talk Therapy?

There are many benefits to walk and talk therapy that sets it apart from traditional therapy. Some of these benefits are:

  • Physical Benefits
    • Walk and talk therapy is not only great for mental health but for physical health as well. Some physical benefits from movement are increased energy, improved mood, bone strength, and sleep. All of these benefits help keep people’s bodies healthy so that they can do the healing work to help their mental health.
  • Mental Health Benefits
    • Walk and talk therapy has benefits related to traditional therapy, such as better relationships, communication, mood improvement, increased mindfulness, and coping skills. However, it also has benefits that aren’t present as much in traditional therapy settings. These benefits include connecting with nature, having a more open mind, and having a deeper connection.

Who Can Benefit the Most?

Anyone can benefit from walk and talk therapy if they want to try it. However, some struggles may be better suited for walk and talk therapy. In more serious cases of mental illness, walk and talk therapy may not be a sufficient treatment on its own. It’s always important to consult your treatment team before making any changes to your treatment plans.

  • People who experience anxiety. Sometimes, people will feel anxious about starting a new therapy practice. This anxiety might be related to meeting a new therapist or not feeling comfortable in a new environment. If someone with anxiety attempts walk and talk therapy, they might feel less anxious about the setting where therapy takes place. Walking is also a great way to decrease anxiety and stressful thoughts.
  • People who feel stuck. Feeling stuck in life can be a difficult feeling to process. People will sometimes know and want to change but are unsure how to do so. Walk and talk therapy provides a unique environment that helps people to process information differently. Through movement and being in nature, clients can develop new outlooks toward their struggles, which will, in turn, help them feel less stuck in life.
  • People who are diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Walk and talk therapy can be especially helpful for people with ADHD, as it can help people improve their focus. This type of therapy can also help engage all of a person’s senses. Engaging a person’s senses can help them practice mindfulness and stay in the present moment.
  • People who are experiencing depression. Physical movement is one of the best ways to help improve a person’s mood. Through walk and talk therapy, someone dealing with depression can improve their mood and decrease their stress. When people are struggling with depression, they may have a hard time staying focused. Walk and talk therapy can also help someone stay focused and engaged in their therapy session.
  • People who enjoy being outdoors. Some people find peace and healing within nature. Spending time in nature helps to reduce stress and increase energy.
  • People who enjoy exercising. Someone who likes living an active life may also enjoy walk and talk therapy. This setting will allow therapy to feel more comfortable because it’s in a setting the person is already used to.
  • People who experience social anxiety. When someone struggles with social anxiety, they may have a hard time having to make eye contact with their therapist for the whole session. With walk and talk therapy, clients can walk alongside their therapist, which may be a little less anxiety-provoking.

Walk and talk therapy is a unique form of therapy that takes place outdoors instead of in a therapist’s office. This type of therapy combines movement and talk therapy together. So, the person partaking in walk and talk therapy will reap the benefits of both talk therapy and movement. This type of therapy can be helpful for people who are fearful about starting therapy or haven’t seen the results they are looking for with traditional therapy. If you think walk and talk therapy might be right for you, you can reach out to us here. We believe that you are worth the effort it takes to heal. We are ready to help in whatever way that we can.

Online Therapy in Florida, Idaho, South Carolina, and Utah

At Calming Transformations Counseling, our therapists understand how difficult it can be to manage anxiety, stress, depression, and relationship issues. We can help through online therapy in Florida, Idaho, South Carolina, or Utah or walk and talk therapy in Hillsborough County, Florida. Book an appointment or contact us today to schedule a session and take the first step toward a healthier, happier life. Remember, your mental health is important—take the time to care for yourself.